1 SOL to 50 SOL challenge begins
You are going to need to be fast... So there will be rules so everyone can get in at the right time, timing as youve seen is everything its the differnce between a 10x and a 2x
So far we have called multiple big profit Plays
Tooker - Chippy - Dpump - Tremp - Pepecoin
But it all depends when you got in and how fast, now with this challenge you will all have equal opportunity, and if everyone follows the rules i will do more
Over 300+ of you reacted and more will come
Instructions on how to start will be below... Good luck, challenge begins in 24 hours
Step 1: To be fast your going to need a telegram bot, Get BonkBot Here And Deposit 1 SOL---> BONKBOT
Step 2: Turn on notifications, if you haven’t already for this group
Step 3: Take the trades that we post FAST on your own accord
I like to secure my initial after 2x and let the rest ride